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Wearable Technology Show 2017 - what's happening right now on day 1 관리자 (2018/02/21 11:17:52)

Wearable Technology Show 2017 - hvad der sker lige nu på dag 1

Wearable Technology Show 2017 - hvad der sker lige nu på dag 1

Lige nu er WTS 2017 i fuld gang i London, og programmet er spækket med interessante talere og ny teknologi inden for sundhed, fitness og wearables.

Et af de helt store samtaleemner på konferencen, er samtidig en af de største udfordringer ved wearables lige nu - batterilevetid og opladning. Det er heldigvis noget flere af udstillerene på WTS har tænkt sig at tage kampen op imod.

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(For English)

Wearable Technology Show 2017 - what's happening right now on day 1

Right now, WTS 2017 is in full swing in London, and the program is packed with interesting speakers and new technology in health, fitness and wearables.

One of the great conversation topics at the conference is at the same 
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 time one of the biggest challenges of wearables right now - battery life and charging. Fortunately, some of the exhibitors at WTS are going to fight against it.

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Skrevet af Catalina den 7. Mar 2017. Nyheden er læst 415 gang(e).

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